Sunday 9 September 2012

Flower Power - Outfit of the Day

I've been home down south this weekend, it's been 4 months since I was last here which is ridiculous, so I've made a promise to myself never to leave it this long again!

It's always a fleeting visit but I get to see my cats Millie and Cookie which is always a blessing! Millie was my 7th birthday present, so she's 17 years old - she's still my little bambino though!
As an eternal cat woman, I spend as much time with them as possible when I come home.

It's been a lovely weekend, it's rare that all four of us (Mama, Papa, little bro Harvey and me) are together at the same time any more so we've been making the most of it.

Today I was channeling some flower power, thanks to the sunshine (and my mum's wardrobe) so thought it was a good reason to do an outfit of the day.

The goofy picture is me telling my patient brother to get the necklace on in the picture...

I'm wearing:
Dress & necklace - Mum's wardrobe.
Ring - market in Spain
No shoes because I'm being a hippy...
New lipstick! - Coral Tonic by Maybelline


1 comment:

  1. This is a really cute outfit, that dress is amazing, lovely pattern.

    You have a really cool blog here. Do you want to follow each other, I would love that.
