After a disappointing sneaky mid week weight check I was expecting a 1lb loss, max, but I've lost 3.5lbs!
This is after a week including a no holds barred trip to cattle grid for my pal mig's birthday meal (I ate EVERYTHING) and 2 takeaways (though I chose the healthiest options available...) as well as the occasional cookie/chocolate fail so I'm really impressed!
I decided that rather than spend precious money on a gym membership just yet, I was going to try workout videos and was pointed in the direction of - the online tutorials are free (even better) and everyone had good things to say.
I have to admit, as a total beginner, the site was a little confusing to navigate and the first videos I saw were so beyond my ability, but I found a great 30min yoga 'flow' video and have really enjoyed doing that a couple of times this week.
I'm a bit stretchier than I thought and it left me feeling super chilled out so I think I'll be keeping this up!
If anyone has any other yoga tutorial/DVD suggestions let me know!
I'm going to brave some faster paced workout tutorials this week too so I'll let you know how that goes!
Doing WW this week has made me realise just how much I snack. Mainly on biscuits. That's been the biggest change for me - swapping biscuits or toast for fruit (which is 0 points) has probably been the hardest part but it's clearly making a difference!
I'm still yet to find a goal dress so more on that another time...
So at the end of week one:
Weight lost: 3.5lbs
Weight still to lose: 10.5lbs
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