Friday, 8 June 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

On Wednesday I watched Moonrise Kingdom and have become so obsessed, I can't stop thinking/talking/dreaming about it.

Wes Anderson, you've done it again.

My little heart actually squeezes every time I think about it (which is a lot) and I want everyone I know to go and watch it so we can gush about it together. I'm actually so excited about the film, that I'm typing really fast (and making loads of typos in the process) because I want to talk about it FOREVER.

I knew I'd love it from the trailer alone and I don't even know where to start when it comes to talking about it.
The costume, the set, the soundtrack, the actors, the story line, the tiny cute kitten...

I don't want to ruin the story for anyone that hasn't seen it, and this is far more of an appreciation post than a movie review, but I thought I'd dedicate this post to my newest obsession.

I watched the film at the Hyde Park Picture House, which I'm sure only added to my falling in love with it. I've only ever been to the Picture House once before and it's so awesome, I'll definitely be going again. It's cheaper than the standard cinema, more intimate AND I had a cup of tea while watching the movie. Can't complain!

So -

The film follows 12 year old Suzy and Sam who run away together on an adventure planned in letters to one another and the adults who try to find them. Wrap this up in delicious 60's costume and sets beautiful enough to make your eyes water and you've got Moonrise Kingdom.

The story is set in 1965 so you can already imagine how delicious the wardrobe would be - tiny dresses with peter pan collars (a permanent obsession of mine), bold prints and knee high socks.
In a story of the most heartwarmingly innocent love, the youngest characters eventually appear to be the most mature; with Suzy's blue eyeshadow, a reflection of her old soul, and the khaki scout uniform looking more fitting on Ed Norton's character Scout Master Ward, than the 12 year old runaway Sam.

The story line alone is enough to warm even the iciest of hearts, but the film's impeccable casting and Wes Anderson's magic touch means (and yes, I'm being serious) move over Virgin Suicides, I've got a new favourite film on my hands.
It's a feast for the eyes, ears and soul. Characters on an adventure I can still only dream of, in clothes I want to own, with a soundtrack I could listen to forever...oh yeah, and it has the cutest kitten in the world. Meow.

Have some pictures, and if that's not enough, a trailer. Go and watch Moonrise Kingdom as soon as you possibly can, I promise you won't regret it.

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